Friday, April 21, 2006


Today we are too busy and too distracted to be still and to listen. There’s too much going on. Too much that keeps us from the peace and joy that being still and listening can bring.

Being a “baby boomer” I had the opportunity to learn to entertain myself without television or computers. As a result, I have memories of swinging on my neighbors swings and belting our songs like “The cutest boy (the cutest boy) I ever saw (I ever saw) was sipping cider through a straw. . .” The freedom and peace I felt soaring in the air and singing at the top of my lungs with my friend was the true meaning of “awesome”

I remember when Sunday afternoons were spent “visiting” which consisted of sitting and talking. Yep, just sitting, maybe sipping on iced tea, and talking. Just talking. About anything. Very peaceful and very comforting. Very real.

Driving home from work this week with the car windows down I was able to inhale the sweet smell of freshly cut grass. A REAL smell, not bought at the store. A smell that brought memories of summer days when I was young. Will we remember what “real” smells are?

I have my first grandchild due in July. I wonder what life will be like for her. With so many distractions I worry that we will all forget to be still. We’ll forget how to listen to the soft ramblings of a creek, the songs of the birds, and maybe how to listen to each other.