Friday, January 26, 2007

Kenny the Goliath Grouper

My newest passion, other than my granddaughter, is scuba diving. Learning to dive is something I have always wanted to do.

It just took me 23 years to talk my husband into it. That and the small amount of the fear element. But, at my age (only 40's) I figured I've had a good life so I may as well learn to dive. If I die doing it, at least I did it!

I'm still here and have thoroughly enjoyed this new sport. It is the ultimate high (well low technically). My absolute favorite dive so far was in the Florida keys and diving just after a shark feed. The sharks (nurse sharks-not dangerous) were quite subdued and hanging out by the "chum bar"-so tame you could stand on them (not that I did). Swimming around in the area and enjoying the attention (and chum) was Kenny-a Goliath grouper. He swam by me and I reached my hand out and let it slide along his body as he gracefully swam by-very, very cool. Really cool.

The only down side was that my daughter-who was supposed to be snorkeling-was on the dive boat puking. So I sort of felt guilty having such a awesome experience. (I've included a couple of pictures of Kenny) Oh, and I don't eat grouper anymore!

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