Monday, June 11, 2007

Take a Deep Breath and Let It Go

I've decided my new mantra will be "take a deep breath and let it go". (I didn't make this up-saw it in a movie-but it's good). There's too much out there causing me stress and angst. Especially work crap. I let "the principle" of an issue get to me too much. So today, at the start of a brand new week, I started taking a deep breath and letting it go. And guess what-it actually seems to work!

From a spiritual perspective, I wonder what God thinks about stress. If we stress about things we can't control anyway, does it mean we don't have enough faith? When I stress about things not being fair or feel as though I'm not respected at work, is this how God wants me to view the world? Probably not.

I guess by not focusing on what's being done to me and being more concerned about the wellbeing of others, ultimately some of what bugs me at work will go away. (I'm not preaching, just working this out as I write!)

I'll let you know how the week goes.

More later (if your interested)